10 Common Mistakes Interior Designers in Kenya Make And How To Correct Them

10 common mistakes interior designers in Kenya make and how to correct them

As an interior designer in Kenya, it’s important to avoid making common mistakes that can compromise the functionality and aesthetic of a space. By avoiding these common mistakes, interior designers can create functional and beautiful spaces that are a reflection of their unique vision. Here are ten common mistakes that interior designers in Kenya make and how to avoid them:

1. Kenyan interior designers fail to properly plan the space.

Kenyan Interior Designers need to learn how to plan
Proper planning is important during the interior design process

Starting a design project without first making a plan is like driving to an unknown location without looking at a map. You might get to where you want to go in the end, but you will make a lot of wrong turns along the way.

It’s crucial to carefully plan the layout and functionality of the space. This means taking accurate measurements, considering the flow of traffic, and identifying the specific needs and limitations of the space. Not all design projects require such specifications but you should always establish a few guidelines before you begin. No matter the size of your project, following a consistent design style and colour palette will ensure the space feels cohesive.

2. Kenyan interior designers DO NOT budget properly.

Interior Designers in Kenya need to learn how to budget.
Kenyan Interior Designers need to learn how to budget

Many people fail to realize just how important establishing a solid budget for your design project is. And unfortunately, this is one area that can actually make or break your entire project. If you don’t budget carefully, it’s easy to overspend on a few items and be left with no money for the end of the project.

First is determine how much money you have available and are comfortable spending on your interior design project. Then you get to make your list of everything you want to do in your home or office. While you may not realistically be able to do everything on the list, it gives you a place to start. Once you have both of these things ready, you can establish your scope of work. If you’re hiring a designer, this is the time to meet with them and they will help you form the project parameters. Make sure you leave a little extra room in your budget to allow for contingencies.

3. Design Architects in Kenya hang curtains too low.

Low hanging curtains are detrimental to interior designing
Curtain size and length affect how a space is viewed

Another all-too-common interior design mistake is hanging curtains at or just above the window frame. For a lot of people it makes sense to hang the curtain above the window but this makes windows seem smaller and actually prevents natural light if the curtains don’t open wide enough to leave the windows completely open.

Hanging curtains just below the ceiling and allowing them to extend all the way down to the floor, will make windows appear larger. Be sure the rod extends far enough past the window frame to ensure the window is completely uncovered when the curtains are open.

4. Kenyan interior designers choose the wrong color scheme/paint.

Interior design in Kenya should is full of good examples of color use
Colour is an important element in interior designing

The color scheme of a space can greatly affect its overall mood and atmosphere. Choosing the wrong colors can make a space feel dull and uninviting, or overwhelming and chaotic.

It might seem easier to paint your home before you move in or before you fill it with new furniture. But this decorating mistake results in walls that don’t relate to anything in your home. And with all the thousands of paint colours available, it’s much easier to match your paint colour to your décor than to find furniture that coordinates with your walls.

Before you choose the color you want on your walls, get an idea of the color furniture and accent pieces you want so that you’re not setting yourself up to struggle with too many choices. When you choose the paint color before you have the accents like area rugs, window treatments and upholstery picked, you’ll have a much harder time finding those things to complete the project.

With Bridan, we recommend picking at least one inspiration piece, like a carpet or wallpaper and working around that. It may sound counter intuitive, but having fewer choices actually makes for easier and better wall color choices.

5. Interior Designers in Kenya DO NOT consider the lighting.

House design in Kenya has many examples of good use of lighting
Genesis 1:3-25 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.

The lighting in a space plays a crucial role in setting the mood and highlighting key features. So often, people move into a new home and never think twice about the lighting. Builders generally use the least expensive fixtures and install only enough to provide basic light. Poor lighting can make a space feel uninviting and unwelcoming, while too much lighting can be harsh and overwhelming.

The trick to ensuring every room in your house is comfortable and well-lit is to make a lighting plan that includes ambient, task, and accent lighting. You can achieve this by layering your lighting at different levels and intensities. A combination of overhead lights, wall lights, and floor and table lamps will provide even lighting throughout your home.

Each room should have overall (ambient) lighting to allow you to move around safely. Task lighting for performing specific activities such as cooking or reading and accent lighting to highlight noteworthy items such as artwork or interior features. Carefully considering the type and placement of lighting fixtures, creates a desired effect.

6. Some design architects love overcrowding the space.

Interior Designers in Kenya love overcrowding spaces
Overcrowding a space makes it look ugly

It’s easy to get carried away with adding too many elements to a space, resulting in a cluttered and overwhelming look. It’s important to strike a balance between having enough furniture and decor to make the space functional and comfortable, without overcrowding it.

Adding too many decor accessories (both large and small) can easily make a room look cluttered and messy. In design, form follows function which translates to breathable spaces where what needs to be housed is considered first and accommodated accordingly. In other words, it’s better to have a few well thought out pieces than a ton of little things.

7. They fail to consider the scale of furniture and decor.

Furniture is a key element during interior designing
Furniture is a key element of interior design

Choosing furniture and decor that is too large or too small for the space can throw off the balance and proportion of the room. Homeowners ignore the rule of scale and proportion – how items fit into and relate to other things in the space. For example, It’s important to choose the correct size rug for a room because one of the most common mistakes designers see is rugs that are too small for the space.

The key to mastering scale and proportion is to make sure you have included items that are of different heights, sizes and shapes to keep the eye moving while making sure to give it some places to rest. You can usually fix these issues by rearranging or moving pieces from room to room.

8. Most of the design architects DO NOT incorporate texture and patterns.

Texture is one of the most important design elements in interior design.
Texture is a key element in Interior Design

Adding texture and patterns to a space can add depth and interest, and can also help to tie different elements together. Neglecting to incorporate these elements can result in a flat and uninteresting space. While you don’t want to throw random objects and furniture pieces in a room and call it a day, you also don’t want to get so focused on matching things and creating symmetry that you end up making the room look too matchy-matchy.

Real homes are more organic than you typically see in a showroom. Instead of symmetry, seek a bit of balance. Instead of matching candlesticks on each side of the mantle, create a layered art gallery or a flowing montage of seasonal accessories.

9. They DO NOT consider functionality.

Most house design in Kenya lacks a lot of functionality in space design
“Form ever follows function” Louis Sullivan

While aesthetics are important, it’s crucial to also consider the functionality of the space. This means choosing furniture and decor that is not only visually appealing, but also serves the intended purpose and meets the needs of the user.

Few things are more frustrating than bumping into furniture whenever you try and move around your house. You can completely transform the feel of your home by rearranging the furniture to improve circulation and maximize traffic flow.

Use a floor plan or sketch to establish optimal traffic patterns without your existing furniture throwing you off. Start at the room’s point of entry and find the easiest path to the next entryway. In a room that has only one entrance, the traffic must flow around the furniture and back out the same doorway.

10. Interior Designers DO NOT stay true to a style combination that accommodates designer and client.

Interior design in Kenya is mostly disorganized
The client is the most important person in the design process.

It’s important for a Kenyan interior designer to stay true to their personal style and vision at the same time incorporating the client’s idea but not at the expense of their own creativity. This allows for a unique and authentic space that truly reflects the designer’s aesthetic and client’s vision

You want your home to look beautiful and well-designed, but you also want it to look like, well, your home. Only purchasing the furniture and decor pieces you see in the store may leave your home looking a little cold, like something is missing. The Client’s personal touches is the way to make a space stand out.

Are you tired of incompetent interior designers overcharging overcharging and under-delivering? Do you want expert advice on your space? Book a free consultation to work with a design pro one-on-one.

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