How To Start an Interior Design Business in Kenya in 2023

How to start an Interior decoration company in Kenya

Are you an aspiring interior decorator in Kenya looking to set up your own business? Interior design is one of the businesses you can start in Nairobi, Kenya with little or no money, but as you expand and create your portfolio, you’ll need to add some tools and products to your portfolio.

Interior design involves creating aesthetically pleasing environments within the home and interior decorating applies thoughtful decoration, color, and smart furniture placement. In Kenya, starting your own interior design firm is attainable with a few tips and steps to take. After getting an idea of the difference between interior design and decorating, you’ll need to gather tools and products to create your portfolio when expanding.

Interior decorators in Kenya specialize in bringing aesthetic elements to a space, such as selecting colors, materials, and finishes, and arranging furniture and accessories. They may not have a college degree but offer on-the-job training or experience that allows them to transform your home or other space into the look you desire. In contrast, an interior designer uses a more comprehensive approach that involves creating functional and safe spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them. Interior designers typically have college degrees and are trained in principles of design, space planning, building codes and regulations, among others.

Step 1: Develop A Business Plan

Benjamin Franklin once said “by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail” therefore it’s important to get a business name and structure by defining your target market, the services offered, pricing, and projected revenue.

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail!

benjamin franklin

A business plan could appear intimidating if this is your first venture into entrepreneurship. The good news is that you can utilize a business plan template or planning software to speed up the process and make sure you don’t omit any crucial details.

Your plan for supplies, clients, and how you’ll create buzz about your new interior design business so you can earn a profit in all areas of your business plan for the interior design business that you can really expand on.

Step 2: Obtain All Necessary Licenses and Certifications

Firm licenses are essential prerequisites for beginning a business. A Single Business Permit, NCA license, CR12, and a KRA (Kenya Revenue Authority) PIN Certificate are some of the licenses you may need in Kenya. Although they can be pricey, they make sure that your company operates properly and that you don’t run afoul of the local authorities.

You can also join groups like the Interior Designers Association of Kenya, which oversees interior design standards in the nation. Your company will get awareness from the general public and profit from the association’s membership benefits.

Acquiring the licenses may cost you at least Ksh 40,000 including legal fees.

Step 3: Build a Portfolio

Assemble a portfolio of your work to showcase to potential clients. It’s acceptable if you don’t have a portfolio when you first launch your interior design company. A sizable portfolio is not always necessary when starting out in a job.

What you can put in your portfolio is as follows:

  • Images of your current living space
  • 3D space renderings (you’ll need interior design software for this)
  • Moodboards

Even better if you have pictures of areas you’ve created for real clients! Those ought to be included as well. Potential clients will first view your portfolio before hiring your interior design services. Consequently, you must put your best foot forward and carefully plan it.

Step 4: Market your business

Create a website. Create your online presence on the World Wide Web, which is essentially accessible everywhere, using your company name as the domain.

There are several ways to wow clients with your natural abilities and eye for design when you have a website ready. Simply give the person your business card with the website address on it. Customers will appreciate your professional, non-aggressive approach.

After that, it is up to them to visit your website and learn more about your services. An expertly constructed website showcases the business owner’s attention to detail and versatility as a designer.

Creating also social media profiles can promote your business to more potential clients.

Step 5: Build A Team

For the first several years, new business owners must assume many roles in order for their enterprise to become well-known. Do it if you can learn how to do everything on your own. Alternatively, you can employ personnel. As your business grows, consider hiring employees or freelance designers to help with projects.

It would also be great to establish positive working ties with suppliers and contractors is one of the wisest things you can do when you launch an interior design company. You want to be in contact with dependable individuals or hardwares that will consistently deliver exactly what you order on time. Make certain you establish connections with:

  • Wood manufacturers
  • Electrical and plumbing suppliers
  • General contractor and handymen (Fundis)
  • Countertop suppliers
  • Textile suppliers

The more contacts you have within the industry and the more individuals you know, the better. Let’s not forget the crazy discounts you’ll get.

Want expert advice on your space, straight from an interior designer? Book a free consultation to work with an interior design pro one-on-one.

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1 thoughts on “How To Start an Interior Design Business in Kenya in 2023

  1. Pingback: Top 8 Myths About Interior Design in Kenya Debunked!

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